Survey: Triathlete and in a management position?

Leading position? - Photo: Hannes Blaschke - Hawaii 08
Today I received an inquiry from Uli, he is writing his master’s thesis in autumn and would like to deal with the parallels between triathlon and a management position.
No, this is not about the position of the leader in the race 😉 but about the following:
He needs test subjects for a survey who are both a manager (e.g. team leader, board member) and an active triathlete. Ideally on the Ironman track.
For Uli, I'll just define it: anyone with authority to issue instructions on the job is eligible.
If you are or you know someone in your environment, support Uli and just write him an email:


I know that from my student days, you are happy about everyone who participates. The survey is fun and of course you get an insight into the results at the end.


hit in!

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