Training Day with Craig Alexander


In my little series: “Training the Pros” today is Craig Alexander. The man with the chewing gum in his mouth, what I mean by that you will hear in a moment 😉 So shortly before Hawaii it is quite interesting to see what is going on in the two-time winner and how he assesses his competition, especially our boys. The video has five parts, you can see the first part above, just click on the link below the video. You will find the other parts on the page Seite

Accordingly, I will also shoot a “Training Day” with krelli in winter. I will then post this to all professionals who are in the warm south at this time, so that they can see how one prepares himself in -10 degrees and thick snowdrifts * laughs *

... mmhhh actually an interesting idea, very funny things spontaneously come up ... stay tuned

have fun!

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