Keyword: Hawaii parties

Soon the time will come and the Hawaii night will rise again. The date is this year on the night of 08/09. October. It starts around 8 p.m. and ends around 4 a.m. Let's hope that the Americans will concentrate on the race again and not chat so much, nobody wants to see the three extremely nervous moderators on the screen for minutes, we want pictures of the race !!! But compared to a few years ago, things have improved immensely.

I have already arranged the following two dates in Nuremberg and Roth for the residents:

Nuremberg: Chooza Ironman Party 2011
Saturday, October 8th at 6:00 pm - October 9th at 5:00 am

Location: Rollnerstrasse 107, 90408 Nuremberg
Registration: via Facebook (chooza)

Further information: € 13 for all non-users at, € 10 for all registered users

Actions??? Each visitor types the possible winning time of the new Ironman world champion. The person who is closest to the actual end result receives a high-quality item from the CHOOZA range.

Who??? All friends, athletes and non-athletes, training partners and other CHOOZA ... supporters and those who would like to become one 🙂

Why??? CHOOZA would like to celebrate with you and (of course) review the past competition season as well as shed more light on the non-sporting area. We are all so busy all year round with our training, nutrition and sporadic development that unfortunately the private component is often neglected. Let's catch up on that! Bring your friends, women, men, children and best of all the whole family!

What's up??? Your physical well-being is taken care of. There are various non-alcoholic drinks, protein fruit shakes, canapés, sweets and of course a rich warm dinner with rich salads. You don't need to worry about anything!

IMPORTANT !!!: In order to be able to take care of all of you, we have to know for sure if you are coming! The effort for 70 people is of course different from that for 30 people. We are based on the commitments on the event invitation, so please confidently accept 🙂 !!

The whole CHOOZA team is hoping for a nice evening / night, of course for an interesting competition, but at least as much for interesting conversations. We look forward to getting to know your friends and spending a day with you WITHOUT any sporting activity!

Roth: Hawaii night the second
Saturday, October 8th at 6:00 pm - October 9th at 6:30 am

Location: TSV-Halle, 91154 Roth
Registration: via Facebook (Frank Kräker)
Further information: And this time we have the whole hall! Bring comfortable chairs, mattresses, bean bags ... whatever you want. As last year, food and drink will be provided as well as a live broadcast. Contribution to expenses as in the last 10 € per person.

If you have more appointments, always bring them to me 😉
have fun and have a good start to the week!

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