Start in Roth on July 12th!

Hello everybody,


The day before yesterday I finally got word that I am finally starting in Roth. As a Sub9 starter, I will jump into the Main-Danube Canal at 6:20 am with the very first group and not try to be last πŸ˜‰


No, the goal is clear, namely under 9 hours.
So that the whole thing doesn't go so unspectacularly, the Triathlon Magazine equips me with a mini camera on the bike. So everyone who stayed at home and everyone else who is otherwise interested can later look at the bike route from my perspective.


Just imagine being able to experience the Solarer Berg β€œlive” later !! This is going to be a show ...


Allegedly the camera weighs β€œonly” 500 grams, well, I don't think so until I see it. So if I take one less water bottle on board, it should be more balanced πŸ™‚


The strategy is pretty simple, I just add up all the peak times I've achieved so far on the long distance:


56 min swimming (IM South Africa 08)
4:50 hours cycling (IM Frankfurt 07)
3:10 hours running (IM Zurich 08)


et voila ... it all adds up to about 9 hours. Let's see if it works the way I imagine it πŸ˜‰


If you happen to be on the track in Roth on July 12th, I would of course be happy about any encouragement and motivating words!


but now the hard part begins, the training until July 12th ...


skin clean



4 thoughts on “Start in Roth am 12.Juli!

  1. Hello Michael,

    So you were actually still taken, first of all, congratulations! And of course good luck for the preparation and the race. Since I'm not competing at the weekend, it may well be that I'll be standing by the track and yelling!

    Did you actually register for Sulzbach?

    greetings from Munich

  2. Hi Dennis,

    many thanks. I'm happy when you're on the line, of course, and not just because of me. If you look at it for the first time, be sure to go to the Solarer Berg. Just let me know shortly beforehand, then I'll give you the number of my people so that you don't stand around alone πŸ™‚

    Now that Roth is dry, I can set up a preparation competition plan. I'll let you know.

    Greetings to Munich!

  3. Hi Michael,

    I'm happy when we see each other in Roth :) Hope you don't lap me!
    The training for this is going very well so far, but the first aches and pains are creeping in. Maybe see you the weekend.

    Greetings from Ratzeburg


  4. Hi Tobi,

    we'll see you there clearly. Don't worry, how am I supposed to lap you?
    Don't overdo it if the first aches and pains are already coming πŸ˜‰

    By the way, I am pleased that it went well for you.
    maybe until the end!

    Many greetings

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