Captain Chaos Spotted!

On Saturday at the Erlanger Bergkirchweih the time had come when I saw my buddy Steffen for the first time after his ankle surgery. After poor Andi had to push him up the mountain in a wheelchair for hours through what seemed like millions of people and in a very confined space (he won't be able to walk again for a few weeks), we unfortunately couldn't find space on the beer benches anywhere. So we parked him on the side of the road and pressed a measure into his hand ๐Ÿ˜‰

We were just able to make a toast when a storm hit us ... oh what am I talking about: it was raining like buckets! A quick escape was out of the question, and no one had rain jackets with them. We arrived home dripping wet hours later, but it was still fun. After my surgery, our plan looks like this; Steffen and I move in together temporarily and watch all four World Cup games every day for a month !! oleeeoleeee ๐Ÿ™‚

skin in!

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