small gallery ...

... today a few pictures about slipstream driving aka "Suck„.

There should be races on the bike course not a single meter of altitude have and almost 3000 starters above several rounds send out on the track. And there is still wonder why huge groups are formed!

The blame should not always be placed solely on the participants. Although this of course also for it jointly responsible are.

In addition, the referee In my opinion, whistle too laxly, have too much respect for the participants / professionals and sometimes have no idea at all how to enter Group "blow up" can.

For example: stop the group completely, teach, let the last drive first, then wait 5-10 seconds, let the next drive, etc. This time delay alone will bring most of the people to the verge of despair and you will feel the rest of the race recall. It is important that the referee shows that he will take action immediately in case of doubt! How many times have I seen a motorcycle ride alongside the group the whole time, but do absolutely nothing. Triathletes in races are like children, as soon as they realize that they can dance on you, most of them do too!

But what always annoys me is the unanimous opinion of the Americans that in Europe compliance with the rules does not matter and everyone sucks here. The two pictures below are from the Florida race 😉
(and there is the 7m distance rule! - with us it is 10m)
Based on these observations alone, this already results some improvement strategies:
(because you will probably never completely solve this problem)

- Stricter crackdown by the referees, including the professionals (role model function)!
-Possibly. more referees at major events
- harder bike courses
-Wave starts with sufficient distance!
-Possibly. longer penalties?
Can you think of more?

What can you do about it yourself?
- of course, stick to the rules!
(Even if everyone keeps a distance of 10m, as the third or fourth in this group you have a power saving of approx. 10% and that completely compliant with the rules, so no need to pull up a Belgian top)
- Boycott races that are known for such a problem
-If none of that helps, just push them into the ditch ... haha

so stay clean!

2 thoughts on “kleine Galerie…

  1. Hello Krelli.

    I agree with you on 100%. I was in Clearwater this year and what I partly had to see was the cheek high 10.
    As you already said, the 7 meter rule is also very bad. 7 meters quickly become 5 and these 5 again only 3 ... and in the end it was like me, because as soon as I caught up with a group, the men (and women) immediately hung on the rear wheel with a gap of 7 CENTimeters . Unfortunately there were too few judges. One asks oneself "and you qualified for this World Cup, right ?!"
    A major problem in Clearwater (and likely with IM Florida) is that the city is only allowed to maintain a traffic lock for a limited time. ... in Clearwater I think 5 hours or so. Thus, the organizer has to cut through the age groups every 5 minutes. And of course that is by no means enough to straighten out a field.

    So then, keep up the good work with your blogs ... I always like to read 🙂

    VG, "lead"

  2. Hi lead,

    thank you, I'm happy 🙂

    Yes, of course these were not optimal conditions, so you are already wondering whether you have qualified for a drafting race?!? In the end, a chain reaction is naturally created, like: "Everyone is doing this here, so I'll do it too!" And before you know it, there are huge bunch of things like the one in the first picture ...

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