Workout first week

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The first week to get used to it is over, please don't expect anything very structured yet. At first it was just about getting back into regular training. I went swimming once, which of course will slowly improve now. There was a lot of cycling involved, which you can never go wrong with. The risk of injury when returning to work is low and at the same time it is the safest way to build up an aerobic base without overdoing it. In my opinion, the general physique is also important, therefore 3x fitness training in order to build up a few muscles again, which in turn serves to prevent injuries. Most of the heart rate values are still missing, which is due to the fact that the new 310XT that I now have does not automatically recognize the heart rate belt, you have to calibrate it first! I only found out after reading the instructions at some point 😉

At the same time I reduced the carbohydrate content in my diet and increased the protein content. This makes it easier for me to get down the 2-3kg that are still superfluous and look like a triathlete again 😉 I received the receipt for this on Wednesday while cycling with Iwan. After exactly 30 minutes I was hungry, and that at our coffee drive pace! I then had to cup the poor student's entire 5 €, which I invested loosely in the gas station in Fanta, Snickers and warm pretzels 🙂 But this was rather the exception, there were no more problems for the rest of the week.

A question on my own behalf, can someone quickly tell me how to calculate the average overall speeds on the right in my table? I would be very grateful for a formula, at best I have to convert everything manually, since the route lengths also have to be taken into account 🙁    
Many thanks to Michael F. for the quick help, is now also included in the plan!

have a nice start into the week!

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