Training start and training statistics 2011

So after I fell victim to the short-term laziness in training and practiced next to nothing for 2.5 months, I have to start again. Greaves (which I still wear for a month) or not. Strangely, it is the case with me that as soon as I can't train one discipline (like running now, for example), then I don't feel like training the other two either. It's good that I never became a specialist 😉 I got over it anyway and laid the foundation last week. I went swimming twice and cycling twice.

Training history: 2011
Since I'm creating a new plan, I also looked at the old one. For my Challenge Roth preparation, I cycled a total of 6,400km, swam 175km and ran 1,300km in 25 weeks. Including all preparatory competitions.

This results in an average per week of:
Swimming: 7km
Cycling: 256km
Run: 52km

When I look at it that way, I get really queasy, especially when swimming. That's how long a single swim session is for some! For me it was divided into three units a week. But somehow I'm also a little proud that after the shoulder surgery and with so little training, I managed to reach 54min / 3.8km. Apparently the content is decisive and not the length 😉

Cycling looks pretty good, I've done quite a bit this year.

You can probably still do a little bit while running. However, it should also be said that I always ran at the LD competition pace, i.e. 4: 30-4: 15 / km. In order to increase my running circumference, I would have to slow down a little, otherwise I would not be able to do without shooting myself.

2012 plans
This will be interesting. There are two goals: I am now starting in the league for TSV Altenfurt and the goal would be to make it to the 2nd Bundesliga with a stronger team. I would also like to continue to improve my time on the long distance, I would be laughing if I couldn't get something out of swimming and running. Last but not least, my sponsor would also like to see me fly to the South Seas again in October next year or the year after that. Let's see how all of this can be arranged.

how did Rudi Carell always exclaim in his qualitatively questionable show: Let yourself be surprised!

nice start to the week

4 thoughts on “Trainingseinstieg und Trainingsstatistik 2011

  1. Servus, because in Altenfurt I also have something from the training program or swimming. I'm 100km away from Kronach, which is less useful for me. Nonetheless, we all get along well, with the difference that I am no longer starting for Kronach in the league. The driving to the competitions was always quite complicated.

  2. Howdy Krelli,

    I'm a big fan of your blog and therefore of you too. 🙂 It's really impressive how you mobilize all this energy and get your blog, employee, competition organization, girlfriend, training, author and competitor under one roof. From that I take off my one hat and all the caps I still have in the closet. Really great. Keep it up.
    But as a reader of your blog, I was encouraged to do a triathlon or later a long distance myself. Running is okay, so is cycling (new racing bike will be bought in December), only swimming gives me a headache. How am I supposed to swim over 3 km when I can barely lift my arms out of the water after just 8 laps. Will probably be a long way off.
    So keep it up


  3. Hi Matthias,

    first of all thank you for your praise. I am very happy when I can motivate people like you to participate!

    Keep your head held high. I have a tip for you. Right now at this time, when the indoor pools are all open again, many of them are offering crawl courses for beginners. Clubs sometimes do the same. Just find out more on their website and take part. This way you learn to crawl much faster and, above all, CORRECTLY!

    many greetings & have fun

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