Swimming videos krelli

Since all cell phones nowadays have built-in cameras, you can use them to carry out swimming style analyzes very easily. For the evaluation you will definitely know one or the other good swimmer in your circle of friends.

Here is a small example from me, taken directly after training by Thomas, our swimming trainer at VFL Nuremberg.

From the side it looks rather unspectacular. The water situation is quite good (you can tell by the fact that your butt is on the water surface), but let's concentrate on the problems:

1. The hand leaves the water too early - it should always come out at thigh level. So I give away 10-20cm of additional pressure every time, which brings me forward. Correction: emphasized back pressure phase and thumb a little apart, which must always touch the thigh before getting out of the water.
2. Slight scissors blow when inhaling - just brake. Correction: big toes touch each other when inhaling
3. Ankles are not stretched in certain phases - also brake. Correction: swim with fins to stretch ankles
4. Arm is too stretched when immersing - so the arm often splashes into the water at elbow joint height and brakes. You should always dip your fingers first. Correction: Swim one-armed or tee off in order to be able to concentrate better on the arm stroke and pay attention to earlier immersion phase.

From the front you suddenly see completely different things. It is noticeable here that the forearms go too far outwards in the overwater phase. That makes the body lurch. The angle of the upper arm and forearm should be very acute, then the center of gravity remains in the middle. Correction: Dragging your fingers on the surface of the water in the return phase of the inactive arm and then straight forward without evasive movement.

There is certainly a lot more to discover, but at least that was a small outline. And as I said. You can easily do that yourself. Only when you know the errors can you remedy them. Especially when swimming, where you cannot see yourself during the swimming process.


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