Michael Krell - portrait
I started triathlon at the relatively late age of 25. But before that, I was already very active in sports – ski jumping, soccer, strength training and lacrosse. In 2006, I first attempted the long distance at Challenge Roth. After many hours of training, I qualified for Ironman Hawaii in 2008, broke the 9-hour mark in Roth for the first time in 2009, and from then on worked to improve my performance. My current best time is 8:47 hours in Roth and at some point I would like to reach 8:30 hours.

Along my way, I devoured all the information I could find about triathlon and training. While preparing for Ironman Hawaii in 2008, I discovered my love of writing. In addition to many articles in blogs, tri-mag.de, triathlon.de and journals (Triathlon Magazin, tritime, Loox Sportmagazin, etc.), I have also published six books.
"Triathlon für Berufstätige" (Triathlon for full-time working professionals) was published in May 2010 and became the most successful book on triathlon in German in 2010 and 2011. In November 2012, my second book was published "Triathlon Trainingseinheiten für Berufstätige" (Triathlon training sessions for full-time working professionals), in which I describe over 100 highly effective training sessions with which even people who have jobs or athletes with limited time can achieve their full potential. This is also the most successful of my books and is still on bestseller lists today. The next book "Wettkampfstrategien im Triathlon" (Strategies & tactics in triathlon racing) was published in June 2014 and is about strategies and tactics in competition for beginners to professionals.
Due to the positive response and requests for more, I published the next book about training sessions in 2017, with special focus on long-distance training "Triathlon-Trainingseinheiten für die Langdistanz: Effizient trainieren mit wenig Zeit"(Triathlon training sessions for long-distance: train efficiently with little time). Continuing on this topic, I published my last book to date in 2018 "Das Maximalprinzip"(The maximum principle), which looks at the very effective long-distance training of various top age groupers and derives recommendations that everyone can incorporate in their training to make it considerably more effective and efficient. Get the most out of your training time! In 2020 the fully revised and enlarged English version came out "Max Out - most efficient triathlon training".
Aside from sport, after studying international business administration at the University of Bamberg, with a double MBA degree from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), I worked as a marketing consultant at GfK SE for five years until 2011. I used to work alongside work and have since been a full-time licensed triathlon trainer (A license).